
In which Piers heeds the voice of experience

I appreciate the bluntness of age and experience (http://sippicancottage.blogspot.com/2016/02/interestingly-malfunction-of-unknown.html):

Safety glasses are the clown shoes of fear. I have seen all the shelter shows -- once -- and I have observed a noticeably pregnant woman put on safety glasses in order to undertake the demolition of perfectly good tile in her tract home bathroom. It's not unwise to wear safety glasses if you're determined to strike ceramic tile with a sledgehammer. It's just really dumb to think that striking ceramic tile with a sledgehammer is how demolition is accomplished. The pregnant woman was wearing flip flops in order to display her painted toenails to the public. People who understand risk and respect the process they've undertaken do not perform demolition in open-toed shoes while pregnant. Believing that wearing safety glasses under those circumstances bestows safety is magical, cargo cult thinking. Magical thinking doesn't result in safety, ever. It results in paranoia with recklessness ladled all over it.

Magical thinking is in evidence all over the place these days, and it never does anyone any good.

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