
Adventures with Students, Vol. 55

Being a partial account of conversations with students this day, the third of Lent:

One student, having graduated last spring, now wishes to go to law school. I say, certainly, go to law school! It is hardly surprising that your entry level job isn’t 100% fulfilling. If you think law school will bring you what you’re looking for, you have nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain.

Another young man, very earnest, wishes to know about how he should handle relationships with his girlfriend’s family, especially individuals that are hard to deal with. I say, remember that what the woman in your life wants to know is that she can count on you. What she especially does not want is for you to jump in there and make her choose between you and family members in some conflict of wills (no matter how noble your intentions).

A third student, an older transfer from another state institution, wishes to know how my work with the literary magazine here on campus can help him with honing his craft and maybe help him in his desire to be a literature professor after he goes to graduate school. I avoid any mention of graduate school, but encourage his desire to work with the magazine, hoping that he will see fit to join as that rarest of creatures: a male editorial staff member.

My first year students: didn’t do their reading for today’s class.

My upper level students: are a good bunch. They are skeptical about moving on to lyric poetry, though.

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