
I am not a good Baptist, Vol. 1

My heart dropped into my stomach today while I was at the auto mechanic.  No, it wasn't due to the repair job (just tires and brake pads--expensive enough, but not catastrophic).  It was due to a conversation I had with the owner, a man who usually sits behind or in front of us on Sundays and who has expressed some amusement at the antics of the three urchins.  He sat down and talked about the recent reveal of the next building phase of the church.  The total projected cost at this point (with no overruns, etc):  $10 million.  He expressed some reservations.

While I am fairly confident about the character of the (very young) pastor we have, I am not confident about his ability to keep the marketers, architects, builders, fundraisers, etc., in check.  And I am certainly not confident about the ability of this church in this town to absorb that kind of financial obligation.  It is going to be awfully painful to watch the whole circus start up and take over everything the church does.  We have watched it happen at two other churches.

Of course, the congregation could vote "NO" and force a much more modest plan...but we know that won't happen.

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