
Monday Update (belated), "Deep Breath Before the Plunge" Edition

I have to admit that I don't feel like I'm doing a good job at anything these days.  Is it enough to do what's required to get by?

Especially doubting my performance at work.

I have learned that this is a cycle that follows just as surely as the September-October period is a tough haul. The weather turns bleak just as my mood does the same.

I recognize that it's just a mood, though, brought on by work related stress and the fewer hours of sunlight/bike riding.

Thanksgiving week is nice, though, because we get most of the week off. But we'll pay for it starting on Monday...cause the sprint from Thanksgiving to Christmas break is also brutal.

The poor preschoolers have been so very sick.

The Mutt has been trying our patience to the hilt.

We know we have plenty to be thankful for, but we're not feeling smug--we're tightening the belts for what we're pretty sure is coming.

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