
One more thought about the weekend

I have never been more frightened at a child's sickness than I was on Friday night, as Little Red sprawled on me, fighting for breath, his heart beating incredibly fast.  When The Runner bundled him into the Queen Elizabeth and scooted off to the ER, I was half expecting a life flight to Vanderbilt, and half expecting the Dreaded Phone Call.

When he got home, I grabbed him and pulled him close.  He looked taken aback, and said, "but daddee, I alright!"

Indeed, he was.  Not sure how he does it, but he sure does push my buttons.


MOM said...

And I remember several experiences just like that with you, man-cub! So glad LR is well. He is a love!

Lindsey said...

This may be the best picture of all time. No joke. I love it so much.