
Monday Update, Kitty Heaven Edition.

Rest in Peace, and enjoy the heavenly buffet, Watermelon Kitty.

Sad news:  Simon the Watermelon Kitty is apparently gone.  Given that he was fat and lazy and neutered, and hasn't eaten from his bowl in three days, I have to assume that he was killed somehow.  He was perfectly fine on Friday evening, and then, *poof!* 

I think I'm the only one who really misses him.

Well, to be fair, Fluffernutter misses him too . . . she's obviously lonely and has been extra insistent about being let inside.

I spoke at an induction ceremony yesterday . . . something I've never done before.  It's not the same as lecturing!  But!  I was brief, so it's a win.

Little Red is slowly getting better thanks to judicious and regularly delivered breathing treatments.  Every evening he falls asleep while he's sitting and getting it . . . so at least this simplifies bedtime for Number One Son and the two parentals.

While I was on campus doing various things yesterday afternoon, the children asked to see the wedding video.  At the very opening of the video, there are baby shots of the two of us.  Definitive proof:  The Youngest looks just like The Runner did at his age; Little Red looks just like me (aside from the hair color).  If I had the pictures, I would post them to demonstrate. 

The schedule last week was mostly simple; this week it gets complicated, with a work function, and a student-teacher conference for Number One Son, and zillions of meetings for me.  The weekend is free . . . for now.

In a sobering turn of events, my job as Faculty Senate secretary has been enormously complicated because I simply don't think El Presidente is doing his job properly . . . or even that he has his priorities straight.

Quote of the week:  On Saturday at lunch, while Number One Son was enumerating all the people he has to take care of (i.e., all the children in the extended family who are younger than he is...which is all of them...), Little Red remonstrated, "nuuhh uhhhh!  I can take care of myself!!"

1 comment:

Dad said...

Great report Chris and I always enjoy reading your reflections on what is happening. Sorry to hear about Simon and I know how much you are connected to your cats. This morning as I was getting my car serviced they brought out a brand new kitten that had been abandoned by its mother. There are six of them and I guess I was glad you were not there because I know you would have been tempted. The kitty was gray with well defined stripes and someone said it was a breed with the word "tiger" in it. Anyway, I hope all else is well. Talk to you later.