
In which Piers takes his annual eastward pilgrimage

An accurate representation of the orderliness of my mind

I start the drive today.  I hope Mollie the CR-V can make it as far as Nashville.  She's showing her age a little bit.

You know, doing this job is not all that difficult.  I enjoy the research I'm doing, and of course I enjoy the teaching and student interactions.  The difficulty comes in trying to take care of actual life while doing the business of this research/teaching/service gig. 

I actually understand how it is that some academics become strange, even unpleasant people--the work of creating balance is just too much, so they give up (that is, assuming they weren't strange, unpleasant people beforehand).

I realized last night that if something happens to me on this trip (not that I'm expecting it to!), neither Little Red nor the Youngest will have any actual memories of me.  I can't let them down.

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