
Monday Update, Early Summer Edition

Discovered an itty bitty bike down in the shed the other day; we'd forgotten that we had it.  It appeared to be the perfect size for Little Red.  And lo!  It came to pass that a helmet was bought for him, and he did ride.  We took them to the Brian Brown Memorial Greenway yesterday afternoon, and they had a blast.  Number One cheered Little Red's progress, even.

A disproportionate number of morning thunderstorms threw a wrench into my cycling training this weekend.  In fact, the storm yesterday morning was so bad that it caused a two-hour power outage (memories of Manila!) . . . we had church in the dark. 

Spurred by who knows what demon or angel, we overhauled the garage on Saturday.  You probably wouldn't be able to tell a big difference, but it's a lot cleaner now.  And what's more, I've even created a small work table for myself, and that's a good thing because I needed to change the tube in my back tire yesterday and it took half the time it usually takes--mainly because I have a useful surface to work on now.

I've decided that it would be fun to continue tinkering with bicycles until I really learned how to work with them.  Thinking about keeping an eye out for a real beater or two of a bike and trying to rebuild it for The Runner.  Or maybe even for Number One to graduate to. 

I realize, upon looking above, that all four items so far have to do with bikes.  Whoops.  I guess that tells you where a lot of my energy has been devoted this summer.  I have really pushed myself to stay active and productive.  For the most part, it has worked pretty well.  We'll see what happens when I start teaching next month.


Mom/Grammie said...

I am glad you are doing some fun, AND productive stuff all at the same time. I am thrilled at the little bike for LR. J is so good at encouraging his brother! Shades of B & C many years ago. It does my heart good.

Dad/Pappy said...

I love the picture and the way the boys are enjoying the bikes. I especially enjoyed seeing how Andrew is looking back at Jonathan as if to say, "look at me big brother!" The storms have put a kink in lots of our summer plans this year. You have them in the morning and we have them in the afternoon and evening. Hopefully the next few days will be better.