
Dang you, you trees and your reproduction.

This stuff right here: Oak pollen.  It even looks nasty.  It has waylaid Little Red but good, and is making me miserable.  Apparently, the Oak trees decided to bloom in the middle of this past week, and the pollen count in the air is quite heavy.  Even after a little more than an hour outside today, Little Red was wheezing to the point where he asked for a breathing treatment (and we're glad we don't have to use Albuterol).  I just have a burning throat...I'm getting off relatively easily. 

Thank heavens we didn't have to do the hospital thing with Little Red.  I was making plans, but all that medicine on Friday did enough to get us through last night.  We're not letting him outside at all tomorrow.  

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sorry to hear about LR. Hope he's feeling better soon. Allergy season has begun -- ick.