
In which Piers spends a day at home

Being struck down with some sort of grippe, perhaps a form of influenza, I took the opportunity to stay at home today while it rained & poured & generally blustered outside.  The Runner and all the children were planning to be out of the house all day, so it would be a great chance to actually rest rather than "be home."  There's an important distinction there.

I only napped for 30 minutes, between 3:10 and 3:40 or so.  The rest of the time I spent reading and writing, catching up on one television program, and responding to a few emails.  I kept my rear in the blue recliner for most of that time.  It was extremely restful--even more than one might think, given that I did do some work.  The thing is, the house was quiet.

I find that I crave quiet, and treasure it when I can get it.

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