
Weekend Update, mid-February edition.

If I could teach young students one thing based on the interviews we held this weekend, it's that "making an argument" and "getting in a fight" are not the same thing, especially in an academic context.  Also, that perhaps the entirety of Christian apologetics doesn't rely on one refusing to believe in evolution. 

Nothing is more disgusting to me than a sense of entitlement.  I can have compassion and empathy in response to just about everything else, but not that.

I rode 18 miles outdoors yesterday, taking advantage of the good weather.  I felt absolutely great as I was riding northward to South Fulton . . . and then I turned around and felt the 15 mph wind in my face.  It was a much more difficult ride back home.  Good exercise, and humbling.

For the first time in my career up here in West Tennessee, my family is feeling a financial pinch.  Costs have gone up for food and fuel and insurance and everything else.  Pay hasn't increased even to keep up with inflation, which means I'm making less in real terms than I was five years ago. 
You will note that I am not on strike, however.

Pastor candidate came to preach at the church we are currently attending.  Hearing him speak did not make me very hopeful . . . all the Baptist-style sturm und drang without any real thought to season it.  I recognize that he's a young man (!), and that it was a special (artificial) circumstance, but geez.  I came away feeling like I could have kicked his ass intellectually, and I don't often allow myself that kind of confidence.  I'm not asking for Lancelot Andrewes here, but come on. 
Critical thinking: it's not just for the godless.

The boys played hard yesterday:  spent as much time outside as they did inside.  After eating his two slices of cheese pizza and helping of pears for dinner, Little Red stopped and announced, "I'm sleepy."  Ten minutes later, he was in his bed fast asleep.  The Kindergartner wasn't as anxious to get in bed, but he too fell asleep remarkably quickly.

They watched The Lion King while I was out on my ride.  When I walked in, the film was reaching its climax.  The Kindergartner was standing in the middle of the room, fists clenched, eyes locked on the TV.  My guess is that he was pretty invested in the outcome.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Just one comment about the pastor candidate. Don't be too hard on him. That is a tough spot to be in and usually in a "trial" situation that is what you get - the good old SB line. Perhaps he needs time to grow and mature in both his content and style. And by the way - you could probably "kick my ass" as well intellectually so don't be too hard on the fella!!! Remember, the church is a place for grace, love, and hope to shine but it is definitely NOT a perfect place under any circumstances.