
Week-before-Christmas update

Scenes from our house:

1.  Little Red drank a sip of Pine-Sol last night.  Said it tasted bad, and he needed some water.  The Runner called poison control; The Kindergartner cried because he was scared for his little brother.  Little Red just sipped water and looked nonplussed at all the excitement.

2.  We're in a Super Mario Brothers phase right now; The Kindergartner was admonishing me the other night for my poor performance on the game (I really am bad at it).

3.  The Vulcan Baby has a tooth on the bottom poking through--it's a little rough spot, right on the lower front.  Alas, he also has an upper canine making a huge bump . . . he may be snaggletoothed in an even funnier way than Little Red was.

4.  I have finished all the work from this term--at least formally speaking.  Now I just have to deal with all the other stuff that I've let slide.

5.  The Christmas Tree looks pitiful this year, y'all.  It's going to look reeeaaaallly rough come Christmas day, I have a feeling.

6.  We had the place reeaaallly clean . . . on Tuesday.

7.  We're leaning toward letting Sock the Garage Kitty fend more or less for himself for the few days we're visiting grandparentals.  I mean, what's the point of an outdoor cat if he can't be trusted to look after himself for a few days?

8.  No presents under the tree.  Do not trust cats.  Do not trust Vulcan Baby.  Do not trust Little Red.

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