
Adventures with Students, vol. 20

Or not, as the case may be...

I'm presently sitting in my office; I'm about to go upstairs and meet my combined composition classes for a mass "exam," which accomplishes two important things:  first, they're turning in their portfolios, second, I'm complying with the law that says we have to "meet" for an "exam."

You'd think that the students would be grateful that there's no test.  Most are.  But there's that one guy, the one who always seems to say the strangest thing possible:

Yeah, I heard your exam is totally lame.
Um, what?
It's like, you don't really do anything.
That's right.  As I've explained, there is no exam in this class.  We're just meeting to turn in portfolios.
Well, I know.  I was just saying that it was a lame excuse for an exam...

(by this point the other students are looking at him like he's radioactive.  I talk over him and move on).

I should have written a test especially for him.


Lindsey said...

That guy is a total douche.

Grammie said...

UNBELIEVABLE! WHAT A DORK! In real life, this guy will get very few "gifts" from authorities that take a little bit of pressure off! You'd think he would be thankful! I was thankful for "gifts" like these back in the ancient days... even though I was a very good student! Maybe the portfolio needs to be scrutinized to the nth degree!

Piers said...

He has been a challenge the whole semester. In his defense (yeah, go figure), he has at the very least a form of asperger's syndrome AND was home-schooled through HS because he couldn't operate in a normal public school environment.

probably bipolar too. Still, I've had many gritting my teeth moments.