

Above:  video from this weekend's soccer game.  Excuse the poor quality of the camerawork; despite my inteptitude, however, you can see that The Kindergartner kinda got the hang of this soccer thing this weekend.  You will note with some amusement that the coaches spend a lot of time positioning the kids before the throw in.  The action really starts at about .55.


We spent almost all day yesterday out & about in one form or another.  After the morning soccer zoo game, I took my bike up to Mayfield, KY to go on a 30-mile bike ride with a buddy from work.  Beautiful weather, weak legs.  Great time!


We got to go to a party last night that included an outdoor showing of a Scooby-Doo movie.  Hey, the food was really good, and if the kids want Scooby-Doo, let them watch that while we adults watch the evening football contests.


Rough week, especially at work.

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