
Adventures in parenting, vol. 8

His teacher says he's brilliant.

The numbers:  399 out of a possible 410 on the Kindergarten Skills Test (a measure of all their learning goals for the year).  He scored "poorest" on the "penny, nickel, dime, quarter" section of the test.

97th percentile.  (dang, boy, shoot for the 99th!)

On some test with an acronym title (having to do with reading skills), he overshot the expected marks by 400-500%.

She wants to get him in a gifted program, though the powers that be are understandably leery of putting a five year old (soon to be six!) in there.  In the meantime, looks like she'll be sending him/ assigning him a little extra work.

He apparently is awfully shy about getting up in front of the class.

One might say I'm proud of the boy.  We're going to tell him that his teacher says he is cooperative and does well with his friends.  Not a word about the so-called "brilliance."  I doubt he'd care anyway.


Grammie said...

Grammie is so very, very proud! Much like I was when J's father accomplished similar great things 30+ years ago. Mommy and Daddy have done well.

Anonymous said...

He has always been brillant in his Honey's eyes.