
"This isn't fantasyland."

I'm not one to believe in magic
Though my memory has a second-sight
I'm not one to go pointing my finger
When I radiate more heat than light

Don't ask me
I'm just improvising
My illusion of careless flight
Can't you see
My temperature's rising
I radiate more heat than light


The picture is of Taal Volcano, situated in the middle of Taal Lake, seen from Tagaytay (I guess).  I remember many many wonderful moments up there. . . it was always one of my favorite places to visit.  One of my last nights in the Philippines, I looked up at the stars while standing on a terrace overlooking the lake, and I wondered what life would hold for me.  Eighteen years later (it doesn't seem possible, but it has actually been that long), I'm in a place I could never have imagined.

...and that's not a good thing or a bad thing; it just is.

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