
Post 501, or "Pedantry."

I'm in the midst of revising documents for a student handbook for our first-year composition classes. The other editor and I have solicited revision requests from other instructors in the department. Well, if you're familiar with English professors in groups, you know that getting them to agree about which grammar, punctuation, syntax, and usage guidelines apply in any given context is like expecting Baptists not to fight. Won't happen. Anyway, here I sit, slaving my way through minutiae of punctuation, participle usage, parallel structure--and one of my colleagues, instead of providing a straightforward comment or revision, draws a circle on one part and notes: "see Maimon 407."

Oh, hell no. I'm not some 18-year-old that you can send scurrying to a grammar handbook.

*Grits teeth*
*Returns to typing*

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