
Birthday Music

The new album from Hem arrived in the mail on Friday--one of a couple of purchases I indulged in upon getting a little disposable income for the birthday (thanks to Grammie and Pappy). I've listened through it a couple of times, and I've got a couple of comments.

1. If you'd told me, when I entered grad school, that I would not only listen to but actively seek out this type of music, I'd have laughed in your face.
2. The last couple of albums this group has put out begin with beautiful, autumnal songs. And their frequent use of clarinet, bells, string arrangements makes it even more striking. This is music for cold, quiet evenings.
3. Thanks to R & S for introducing us to "Rabbit Songs."
4. When I imported the CD into iTunes, the "Genre" came up "Unclassifiable." Apt description, I think. Maybe "Americana"? And the good thing, this album isn't just more of the same--it's like, but unlike, the earlier albums.

This is a band of true musicians. If you've got the cash, and don't mind country/folk-tinged "grown-up" music, you won't regret the purchase.


hayumbone said...

Definitely "Americana." The all-purpose genre!

So glad you like it. I'd say Hem's music is truly classic.

Anonymous said...

Chris - do you think I would enjoy this kind of music. The Hem web page looked very interesting. As Mom would say, I have a very "eclectic" taste in music (Is that the right word?)

Looking forward to next week!!!

blakbuzzrd said...

It's definitely the best soulful countryesque music I know of written and played by people who live in NYC.