
class evals

It's that time of year again. . . I look through the sheaf of student comments to see what I did well, and what I didn't do well.  I actually really hate going through student comments, because I want to be liked, and my trusty "gain self-worth through praise of others" instinct kicks in pretty well.

As I anticipated, my 16th Century lit course was rough in spots.  Some students were really unimpressed; one reminded me several times that this isn't grad school.  the other one thought I was mad at the class all the time and advised me to find a job I actually like.

The best comment however:  "he rambles in connection to comedies [movies] that many of us have never seen."

perhaps I should make the Mel Brooks catalogue a prerequisite??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.