
SACSBS, Volume 1

A campus email from the interim chancellor today highlights results of our recent SACS accreditation process. And lo and behold! We have been put on “probation pending corrective actions they wish us to address.” The predictable will result: many much more committee! filing of reports! redoubling of efforts! flagellations of the guilty!

It will be painful this coming year.

I have no doubt that this is the result of some leadership problems (and how) that we have suffered in recent years. But I also have no doubt that part of the raison d’ĂȘtre of the accrediting agency is to provide work for us to do so that we can look busy and file reports and provide them with more work and more power and so on.

I consider it as part of the creeping and inexorable bureaucratization that has generally throttled the intellectual life of colleges nationwide, and as such is utter BS. Hence the title of the post, and the start of a new series of posts on this blog.

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