
In which Piers has a sore hand

Since the summer I have been battling a strange malady on the knuckle of my right index finger. It started when I was pulling weeds by the hundreds: a sharp pain when I made the pincer gesture with my thumb and forefinger & put a bit of pressure on it. After six months of pretty predictable pain from writing, or carrying things, or pulling weeds, etc., I have been to two different doctors to look into the matter. In both cases the x-ray and physical examination have been inconclusive. It’s strange: it doesn’t happen to the point where it is constant or debilitating, but it is regular to the point where I began to wonder if arthritis was the cause. So far, no indication. Fingers crossed. It may be just part of getting older.

The triathlete and I joke about the time after I broke my hand in Chapel Hill — the fateful Fall when I had to take my doctoral exams one-handed — when I started to have some shooting pains up the back of my right hand and into my forearm. I went into the doctor at Student Health, got an x-ray, and his comment upon looking at the x-ray, with a friendly smirk: “sore hand.” (he also cackled when I presented with a back rash and a swollen lymph node in my groin: “it’s shingles!” he laughed. I miss that doctor)

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