
We knew it was a long shot

Today was the last day I could expect to receive a phone call asking for an interview at MLA.  Looks like that won't be happening.  I won't receive definitive rejection letters for quite some time, if at all, but the silence is indication enough.  I had an enormous amount of confidence in the Baylor application particularly--the post is one I'm well qualified for, and I would seem to fit their profile.  However, the academic job market being what it is, I'm sure they were snowed under with far more impressive portfolios than mine.  I'm frustrated that I was so unaccountably confident in what amounted to a pipe-dream, but can't dwell on it too much; there is still plenty to do in the coming weeks and months, and there is another job season next Fall.  The Triathlete has been helpful in coming up with all sorts of bright sides to look at, but some of this disappointment I'm just going to have to sit with for a while, especially since it's more than just me I'm concerned about.  Getting the family away from NWTN was always the better part of my motivation. That's still the aim, but it looks like it's going to have to be a longer-term process than I had hoped.

1 comment:

Your Student said...

Well, if it's any consolation, I'm glad you're sticking around.