
Monday Update, Globed Peonies Edition

Week two of the Maymester class begins today. I am having a good time with the class, and so far the students have stayed with me.  Reading Spenser at this pace isn't easy, but on the other hand, they are probably better off reading the work this way because it forces them to stick with it and helps them not forget the multifarious elements of his invention.

Meanwhile, we have spent a lot of time this past week at the ballpark and in the yard, trying to create some sense of organization and order while the plants all luxuriate in the warmth and the rain. This has been an ideal spring for making things grow like--well--weeds.  Also garden plants and flowers. The above peony surprised us this year.  I am fortunate that The Runner enjoys spending time in the yard, because it takes two of us to keep things under control.

I am months ahead of my usual fitness level at this time of the year.  Apparently the circuit training I did through the winter months, paired with some indoor riding on the stationary trainer, has made a significant difference in my strength and stamina level.  I'm currently on track to average 5 rides of 20 mi. + per week this month.  That's significant for me.  I hope that by July 4 I'll be ready to tackle all 100 miles of the Bike Around Mayfield.

We saw Number One Son in his children's choir production at church last night.  He had a minor speaking part, and did pretty dang good with it. Parental thrill.

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