
Monday Update, exam week edition

The strangeness of exam week never fails to impress.

Glad to say that The Runner finished another half marathon this past weekend.  She was not pleased with her performance in the race, but I think that running any half marathon at all is pretty impressive.

Meanwhile, I was at the in-laws' house with the children . . . and I had intended to grade a whole mess of papers.  I would have done that, but I had managed to leave 60 or so of those essays sitting at home in my bedroom.  Not very well done.

So here I sit at my desk, after a good ten hours at work, waiting for the end of this little "exam period" so the remainder of my first year students can turn in their final assignments.  Number One Son is having a baseball game at the moment, and The Runner is limping through the rest of what has been a stressful day.

We got The Mutt back from the kennel yesterday . . . and she was absolutely WILD.  Glad she had a good time, but it was also a stern reminder that we will have to be working with her for months to come. 

Another colleague note from a meeting late last week:  if in a meeting one feels the need to preface comments with a phrase like, "This isn't a big deal, but . . . " or "This is probably not important, but . . . ":  one should not continue speaking.  One should take one's own words seriously . . . and shut the pie hole.  Lest someone like Piers speak up with a snarky growl.

Self-importance drives me absolutely insane.

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