
Adventures in parenting, vol. 9

Sometime in the middle of the night, Little Red climbed in bed with us.  This is a common occurrence; The Spouse thinks it happens when he kicks the covers off and gets cold.  I just roll over and let him get in. 

Next thing I know, I'm involved in this exchange:




don't do that again.


you don't do that ever again.

...do what again?

I don't like it when you do that.

Apparently I fell asleep again, because once again we repeated the pattern (while, I might add, The Spouse was in the other room trying to get the Vulcan Baby to settle down--and apparently snickering as she listened in).  Again, he very strenuously told me that I was not to do that ever again because I don't like it when you do that.

It was only after I got out of bed this morning that The Spouse explained what had happened.  I tried to tell her about this hilarious thing that Little Red said while he was dreaming last night, but she interrupted my funny story to inform me that it had been my snoring that offended Little Red so badly.

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