

Visited a colleague (JG) and his family at their house on Friday; it was a wonderful evening.  Their (four!!) daughters were quite accommodating of our little brood of boys, and the house was pleasantly active and noisy.  The dogs added to the feeling of festivity.  I mentioned to him that their house (what a house!) reminded me so much of the house in the A&E Pride & Prejudice that it wasn't funny.  He demurred that they don't have the "staff" that the Bennetts had.  Still:  a lovely time, and all the more rare because the five of us (three barbaric boys included) hardly ever go to anyone else's place other than grandparents' and Uncle B's. 

In other news, we have two cherry tomato plants, one roma, and two "jet star" tomato plants.  Well.  The cherry tomato plants are almost five feet tall, no joke.  One fell over today, and I don't know if it's going to make it through the remainder of the growing season, even though we've tied it up every which way we know.  A good stiff windstorm may very well take out the entire tomato patch.  Finding a good tomato cage is a trick, apparently.  Especially when they grow five feet tall!  Ridiculous!

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