
"I'm not a good baptist"

It's become one of my frequent self-deprecating statements.  I had reason to think about this some this past weekend--why that came about isn't all that important--and though I hate to say it, I'm kinda glad I'm not a good baptist. 

In short, I've come to believe that much of the "theology" I was taught (or that I somehow ingested) as a young man in HS and College, bright but overly eager to please, was not actual theology at all--but a pale imitation of true theology, mixed more with cultural norms and particular evangelical quirks.  For some people, the brand of conservative (at times fundamentalist) evangelicalism I grew up in serves them well through their entire lives.

For me, that upbringing just reinforced the notion that nothing is ever good enough--that God is in fact demanding to be pleased by me, but is never actually pleased by what I can produce.  That my very human-ness is itself a condemnation.  And since I'm already a pessimist and prone to a touch of self-loathing, well.

It's an old complaint, I know--but there was a conversation this weekend that made it come back to my mind with a particular force.  I'm just trying to find a new way now.  It's hard work.

You know, I read this and think to myself, "some people write these really long developed essays on their blogs.  I admire that.  Apparently, that's not my style."  The above is pretty sketchy, but maybe it's enough for now.

1 comment:

MOM said...

I think I understand. And you are right. I would not take bad theology to heart, though. The only thing that God wants is a relationship (with our good self, our bad self, our annoyed self...everything). Whatever goodness we have from a spiritual standpoint flows out of that. He is a lot more forgiving and understanding than are many Baptists and particularly many hot-shot preachers. You are so smart that you see the inconsistencies right away while most people in the pew just blow it off...