
"Fruit of the Vine"

It drives me absolutely crazy that when it comes time for Communion, our pastors cannot bring themselves to say the word "wine."  Instead, the approved phrase appears to be "The Fruit of the Vine."  Which leads to strange locutions like:  "you will take a wafer of the bread and a cup of the fruit of the vine."  Which makes me imagine cups full of grapes, or melons, or passion fruits, etc., etc.

I also have to resist standing up and shouting, "oh for God's sake!  Just say 'wine!'  Everybody knows you've got Great Value grape juice in these cups! 

If you're less inclined to be grouchy about it than I am, then look at this slideshow of things that grow on vines.  To my left, hops.  I'd say what these help make, but evidently Baptists aren't allowed to name drinks containing C2H5OH.


(meg)an said...

And the progressive-Evangelical crowd goes wild...

Piers said...

you would have been amused at my expression, I think.