

It's been the pole star for my life: no matter what the challenge, attack it with hard work. Those who know how to work hard will get ahead. Brains are nothing without hard work. When in doubt, work harder.

Schoolwork. Sports. Piety. Friendship. Parenthood.

Now, here's the reality: sometimes, even (especially?) with what matters the most, no amount of hard work makes the least difference.


Paul Marchbanks said...

Thanks for the well-timed reminder, Piers.

Anonymous said...

Remember, it's not about surviving--it's about living.

Anonymous said...

This may be one of your legacies from me and I am not sure how to feel about this. I have mellowed a bit in my old age but I still struggle with this. Believe me, you have caused me to re-evaluate almost everything I have done in my life and HOW I have done it - especially in regards to what matters most in my life.

Edward's comment above is a good one.

I love you Chris and your incredible ability to words to your feelings.