
Is there a Person Behind Here Somewhere?

I have decided that February is where each spring semester goes to die. Is there a good reason for it? Not that I can determine. But it seems that every February, about a month into the spring semester, I turn into the Troll Under the Bridge. Moaning Myrtle (or the Whomping Willow). Puddleglum. The thing to do, of course, is ride it out and not let it 'get' to me. If only it were that easy.

The Little Boy had a hard weekend--seemed that he couldn't settle down, couldn't stop whining, couldn't resist tearing his books and throwing his toys. Yesterday was hard too. I came home from work and wrestled with him, which seemed to really help. We recognize that part of what's going on is that mommy can't play like she used to, and that's hard. I have to step in and help.

Haven't been on the bike since right before the tornado sirens last week. I do love getting to ride, even if I don't move an inch. It's fun how we can turn on the DVD, watch Looney Tunes or Sesame Street, Old School, and that helps the miles fly by. Usually I go for 10-12 miles at a time. But should I drag it out today? Yes. Will I?

On the docket for this week: Roman and English satire, Astrophil and Stella, Shakespeare sonnets, Utopia, the Faerie Queene. I wish I could tell you the last time I sat down and did any true "academic" work in the sense of research & writing. I also have to go to this all-day meeting on Friday. I know it's a worthy thing to do, and I know I asked for it--but when I read the theme "Good Educational Practice Emphasizes Time on Task" I had flashbacks to ed-school classes back in college. What the blankety-blank does that mean anyway?

See? The troll under the bridge. Bah.

1 comment:

hayumbone said...

I have decided that February is where each spring semester goes to die. Is there a good reason for it? Not that I can determine.

Other than that it's just February, which is a generally terrible month all the way around? I don't care what Eliot thought: February is the cruelest month, and that's true even in the South, when spring is only a month away.

I'm sorry things are so hard right now; it sounds like February is getting to everyone. Is there anything we can do from up here?