
October 3 was a Big Day

. . . because it was W's birthday! The three of us went to lunch together, then W and Piers went to eat at the town's Fancy Restaurant, The Opera House. We had a great conversation, about what we want to do this winter, about where we've been, about our families. . . and believe it or not, we said very little about The Little Boy. W really liked the restaurant (it's the first time we've eaten there). We don't get out together--just the two of us--often enough.

Many thanks to Uncle B and Aunt R, who volunteered to sit at home with The Little Boy while we went out.

I've known W since she was eighteen, and she still amazes me.

1 comment:

hayumbone said...

I've known W since she was eighteen, and she still amazes me.

Just as it should be. :) Doesn't it make you wonder where all the time goes?

Happy (belated) birthday, Wes! Sorry we missed it. Sounds like C did you right.