
Birthday Homecoming

We spent the 21st of the month--an Especially Significant Day--down in Birmingham, Alabama at Samford University's Homecoming. It marks ten years since I graduated, which doesn't seem possible. It was a relatively small affair, featuring a football game against my present employer, UTM. How's that for serendipity? The Little Boy enjoyed some smooth jazz sounds:

I got to show him the fountain where one night I stayed up for hours reading Virgil's Aeneid, and in which a bunch of us idiotic freshman boys danced the night the Atlanta Braves won the 1992 NL Pennant (that was a dramatic win, if you remember):

We got to Stay with Uncle N and Aunt C, in their recently-purchased home in the Bluff Park area--it's an old house with a lot of character, and they really like living there (great basement!). Below, Uncle N introduces The Little Boy to the household cat, Allie--she was a bit skeptical, as one might imagine:

Thanks, Brother and Sister-in-law, for hosting us so wonderfully, and a special thanks to Uncle N for entertaining The Little Boy--who wouldn't leave him alone.

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