
"To choose what is difficult all one's days..."

Through cracks, up ladders, into waters deep,
I squeezed, I climbed, I swam to save
My own true Love:
Under a dead apple tree
I saw an ass; when it saw me
 It brayed;
A hermit sat in the mouth of a cave:
 When I asked him the way,
He pretended to be asleep.

Maybe, maybe not.
But, Joseph, you know what
Your world, of course, will say
About you anyway.

Where are you Father, where?
Caught in the jealous trap
Of an empty house I hear
As I sit alone in the dark
Everything, everything,
The drip of the bathroom tap,
The creak of the sofa spring,
The wind in the air-shaft, all
Making the same remark
Stupidly, stupidly,
Over and over again.
Father, what have I done?
Answer me, Father, how
Can I answer the tactless wall
Or the pompous furniture now?
Answer them . . .

No, you must.

How then am I to know,
Father, that you are just?
Give me one reason.


All I ask is one
Important and elegant proof
That what my Love had done
Was really at your will
And that your will is Love.

No, you must believe;
Be silent, and sit still.

—Auden, “For the Time Being”

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