
"Fie, fie, faint hearted knight!"

Today I taught from The Faerie Queene, book 1, Canto 9. In this episode, Redcross Knight has to confront an evil being named Despair. In confronting Despair, Redcross Knight is made to review all his old failures and missteps, and is reminded about things like Justice, and the way cause leads to effect. Everything Despair says is at least nominally true, and intended to convince Redcross Knight that there is no hope.

I point out to the students that this is how despair works: it shows you a version of the truth intended to sap your will to live. And even if you know that it's only giving you part of the story, you still feel the words chill your marrow . . . Because they strike at your deepest fears about yourself and what you deserve.

It takes Una's voice to save Redcross Knight from self-destruction.

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