
A Crisis of Confidence, Vol. 10

With our department "retreat" (i.e., our all-day meeting to start our academic work year) tomorrow, it's time to move from grappling with concerns about my career and profession to grappling with what's required over the next few weeks.  So I'm drawing this little series to a close with a set of things I might do to move forward from here.
1.  Choose an entirely new set of service activities to invest myself in.  I've been doing many of the same committees for years now; maybe it's time to take on something I wouldn't have considered even a few months ago.

2.  Rid myself of interactions that bring me no peace or enjoyment.

3.  Look for work elsewhere.

4.  Spend more time exercising and less time in the office.

5.  Double down on my own academic projects and let everything else take care of itself.

6.  Resign myself to the way things "have to be."
Something has to change...just not sure in what way yet.

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