
In which Piers strategically retreats

I came to the end of my rope on Monday morning, just after The Mutt had decided to roll in something incredibly foul on her morning walk--which had meant that I had been compelled to stand out with her, the hose, and the doggie shampoo while she suffered through a bath.  I just realized that I couldn't keep it up any longer.

I've been trying to do too many things, and now it's time to let some of them go.  I'm not accustomed to making allowances for fatigue or weakness or whatever, but I didn't have a choice in this case.  So:  no more attempting to do research or writing for a few weeks.  Just my teaching, my books, my bike, and all the various requirements of the household (and there are plenty).  Nothing wrong with a little enjoyment.  At least that's what I tell myself--and that this isn't a matter of me not working hard enough.

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