
Pains in the neck

I've had a crick in my neck that won't go away. . . and in fact, it appears to be getting worse, sending shooting pains down the middle of my back.  The Runner thinks it's stress because I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Let's examine, shall we?

1.  Keeping up with an online class is a bigger job than one thinks it might be, and it's made that much worse by the utter disaster that is Blackboard 9.  What a bloated, crappy piece of software.

2.  I have a student who is trying to finish her degree but keeps coming to class with stories like this:  "he came into the house last night, punched a hole in the wall, and threw me across the room."  whaaaa?

3.  I have another student whose end-of-class writings include things like, "I like to be in class because when it's over I have to go home to my girlfriend," and "I cook every night because apparently she can't."  whaaaaa?

4.  I know I should exercise, but honestly:  I have no energy.  I think it's time I did something about this set of drugs.  And yes, I know I keep talking about it without doing anything about it.

5.  There are marriages in our immediate circle of acquaintances that are in various stages of breaking up.  

...and these are just some of the immediate things in my little bitty world.  I'm not even going to address the news.

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