

I read today about "student incivility" being aimed at young and female professors, mostly.  Really?  I had no idea!  Imagine that!  In other news, I tend to not get exercised about "incivility" . . . people are going to be rude when they feel like they have something to gain from it.  Plus, excessive concern (or faux-concern) about "civility" often leads to nasty things like speech codes and abrogations of First Amendment Rights. 

I wonder how old I look, really.  Do I look ridiculous on days like today, when I'm in jeans, t-shirt, & chucks?

Then again, who gives a crap?

Is it possibly because there's no political angle that the Nashville flood is getting relatively zero nationwide media coverage?  I was at a lunch yesterday and heard some things that made my hair stand on end.

I would get distressed if it weren't such a common occurrence:  I read a stack of papers that would be pretty good, if it were only the case that the students had paid attention to revising/proofreading.  Alas.

Ah, Facebook.  Every day I'm getting close to delete-y on you.  The only reason I'm sticking with you is that I don't want to lose touch with all the people.  I've done that too much in my life as it is.

Yeah, you heard me right.  I know, I know, I'm a pessimist, but still:  I think there's something to the notion that much of my life has been characterized by loss of those I care about.

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