
Taking Stock: Pleasures

It's a habit I fall into readily, especially when stress is mounting: I get a bit pessimistic.

Who, Piers? Pessimistic? You don't say! --aaaah, shaaaddaaaahhp.

But as I went to get my coffee from the office pot this morning (I make it for the office.), I was given a moment to think: being here, writing & reading, drinking coffee, is a pretty pleasurable thing. What else brings me pleasure? It's not something I think about much, so here we go, in a mind-stretching exercise, heh:

1. riding my bike. What a discovery.
2. reading a good book, whether trashy sci-fi or highbrow classic (David Copperfield is taking me forever and a day to finish, but I am enjoying it).
3. The Baby Boy smiling at me when I peek into his crib in the morning.
4. the back yard on a pleasant afternoon.
5. tending the flowers.
6. discovering or being introduced to new music--and listening to old favorites, too.
7. sunny mornings & clear nights.
8. The Little Boy sitting near me while I read him a book.
9. riding across campus to work in the morning, when it's still cool & quiet.
10. a good drink.
11. most of all, your company. Yes, you.

whew! Finding eleven things to smile about! What an exhausting experience--glad I don't have to do this very often.

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