
Adventures With Students, Vol. 18

It's time to review some comments from evaluations! Here are the highlights:
  • A laugh every class period is nice
  • Passion and Enthusiasm in your lectures were amazing. You could make something boring exciting and look good while doing it. . . He is so willing to sit down and help without making you feel dumb for asking. Plus, he can totally pull of green pants!
  • Penshurst BORING! (required)
  • You're [sic] enthusiasm is contagious. The fact that you love what you are teaching almost forces us to like it.
  • He does not talk down to his students; he is very easy going and eccentric in a good way.
  • How can I not love a class that referenced The Princess Bride or Monty Python nearly every week? Not to mention the zombies.
  • Group projects blow.
  • I didn't really like this course [Utopian thought] at all. I find it foolish to study something that can't exist . . . It is foolish to divide an English class into groups. It's not like writing is a team sport. (I know who wrote this one)
  • I didn't care for Plato . . . but seriously . . . who does?
  • Dr. Hill was very funny. I would have laughed at his jokes if the class wasn't so early [8:00].

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