
Monday Update, Retreating from Retreats Edition

As the new school year approaches, we enter into the week of inaptly-named "retreats," wherein we are given the agenda for the year, more or less.  Our department's day long "retreat" featured a few moments wherein yours truly spoke rather...frankly...about some things that need to be addressed.  I am assuredly not content these days, and apparently, on my reduced drug regimen, I am a bit sharper (both in thought and in speech) than I have been recently.

Classes begin a week from today, so the real office work started today. The routine has been remarkably similar from year to year . . . right down to my reflexive hiding from students until the last possible minute.

There's a lot to write about, what with the buzzwords of the year, and the newest mandates handed down, and our university system's clumsy flirtation with the MOOC movement . . . but tonight at least just thinking about these things makes me tired.

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