
Monday Update, October Hangover Edition

With the end of October comes the end of what the Triathelete calls the long slog that starts during the Soybean Festival and doesn’t really end until we’ve sorted the Halloween candy. In most years, the Pig Pickin takes up two weeks in the middle of October and really taps us out. This year we were better prepared than we usually are, but then the end of October gloominess set in earlier than we anticipated so we couldn’t have the event. Now we just have the several weeks before the St Jude Marathon Weekend in Memphis.

The children really enjoyed Halloween, of course. We trick-or-treated in the rain, but they had so much fun it didn’t really matter. Lefty was particularly sweet, having the time of his life shouting out TRICK OR TREAT and THANKYOUHAPPYHALLOWEEN and then announcing what kind of candy he got. It’s fun to watch him do all that, and really fun to remember doing that myself when I was a first grader in the Garden Hills neighborhood in Atlanta.

I say “children,” but of course we are on the cusp of having a tween at my house. Number One goes from child to teen and back again, spending more time with headphones on and being generally secretive. But then this morning he was getting ready for school and singing a nonsense song at the top of his lungs in that high piping voice of his.

I’m going to miss that voice, just like I’m going to miss the husky grunt of Little Red and him scrubbing his bristly hair against me.

I make time for all these things from my boys, because I know they won’t be little boys forever.

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