
Adventures in Parenting, Vol. 47

So we have entered into baseball season, with all the blessings that entails—late nights at the rec park, keeping track of uniforms (especially hats), and many pretzels and handfuls of bubble gum. Lefty is starting tee ball and Little Red is doing his first year of machine-pitch baseball. The latter is showing some promise at least at the hitting part of the game, having surpassed in four games the number of hits gotten by his older brother in three years of playing (Number One Son has unsurprisingly decided to give up the baseball for other pursuits). It is fun to watch Little Red out there, though he admittedly has some work to do in the fielding and generally paying attention category.

Number One, meanwhile, has decided to go all in on the running. For the past couple of years, he has joined The Triathlete doing various 5k runs, and apparently (I get this second hand because you’ll never see me out there on the course) he talks the whole way. In order to help him, he has been allowed to join the HS cross country team during their practices (we know the coach). He had a brilliant time on Monday afternoon and plans to go out there again on Wednesday. I’m thrilled for him.

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