

We missed the one about Locke last week, but caught the surpassingly strange one this week. What was that all about?? It seemed like a Twilight Zone episode!


hayumbone said...

The Buzzard and I are several weeks behind, but in not following faithfully, I haven't felt like I was missing anything.

And then there was Ickenham's (http://themonocle-cac.blogspot.com/)"Get Lost, Lost" post on 1 March.

We'll catch up eventually, but -- it's a jj abrams show. Color me surprised.

Piers said...

I know folks are mad because the show isn't as "good" as it once was. Fair enough, but I've never been one to be turned off simply because a program or a movie isn't perfect. . . I figure, if you enjoy it, watch it. It's TV; it's a confection, and still a he** of a lot better than watching 90% of sitcoms, or soap-opera-cum-hospital shows, or game shows, or so-called 'reality' programming. And at least there is a story being told, no matter how convoluted, incoherent, etc.

I just thought it was funny that we missed an important plot point and caught a completely tangential episode.