
Monday Update, probation edition

The dominant conversation topic this past week: the decision of SACS to slap a “probation” on this campus. Lots of hand-wringing and arm-waving has transpired, but it isn’t entirely unexpected. I look forward to chronicling the further developments and responses of our leadership.

Grades have been turned in and I got few to no complaints. I got a few questions. It seems that either I give grades that are too high or I give the impression that they are not up for discussion after they’ve been assigned.

Now that the semester is done, I turn my attention to some things that need to be done at the office and at the house; it’s a sad truth that as the semester reaches roughly the 2/3 point, it becomes very hard, not to say impossible, to stay on top of all the stuff. A certain amount of disorder arises.

I also have studying and writing I need to do, but it’s awfully hard to resist the call of the nap. I have tried to remember to stay busy rather than passive; it has helped.

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