

Getting into middle age has its disadvantages, I will not lie.  I don't have as much energy as I used to, and I'm more impatient with stupid people and stupid things. I have more lines in my face, more gray in my hair, more quirks in my behavior.

On the other hand, being an older man means I don't have much left to prove. I don't get nervous about much any more in public settings. I don't feel the need to explain myself. I have perspective on things that I didn't even five years ago.  A lot of knowledge about myself, hard-won and precious. Also naps.

I was sitting at the bar the other night and some young guys were in there all peacocking for the cute little bartender. She didn't care, wasn't impressed, had a job to do . . . but they couldn't help themselves. I was glad to let them do their best . . . and fail. I just talked to my buddy and minded my own business.

Yup, glad to still be around.

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