
Adventures in Parenting, Vol. 36

Every year since he was three, Number One Son has had swim lessons with the UTM Children's Center in mid-July.  Every year, he has fretted and fussed about it until the lessons actually started, and then he was all about showing off how good a swimmer he is.  So it was without much surprise that I found myself explaining to him yesterday morning that yes, he was going to have to go and participate, and no, he wasn't going to be able to just skip one day, and yes, we would see if mommy could take him into his room beforehand.  We did manage to get The Runner to take the children to their rooms at the Children's Center. 

However, Number One Son didn't get in the pool yesterday, because he fibbed his way out of doing it.  Overcome with anxiety over the upcoming lessons, he took advantage of some confusion and told the teacher that he had not been signed up to go (this in spite of the fact that he was wearing sandals and swim trunks at the time).  When the little deception was discovered, he got stern talkings-to from teacher, The Runner, and me.  He didn't like it, but I hope he remembers how uncomfortable it was when the next time arrives that he is tempted to be sneaky.

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